
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Relationship Renegade: Last Call
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Last Call
This is the last final episode before we fully transition to Relationship Renegade. Thank you all for your patience and understanding during this process. We appreciate all the feedback and support we received. Here's to many more seasons and episodes.
Relationship Renegade is a podcast designed to unapologetically confront the messed-up ideas we have about relationships. Dr. Jameson Mercier is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and specializes in Relationship Systems. For more information, visit www.mercierwellness.com. Past episodes can be heard at www.mercierwellness.com/listen.
Lastly, we value your feedback. You can reach out to me on social media at @dr.jamesonmercier (Instagram) or @DrJamesonMercier (FaceBook).

Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Big Man Kelly: Being a Dad First
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Being a Dad First
During the month of June we've been recognizing black fathers and the impact they have on their families and community. This episode features a friend and fellow black father, Big Man Kelly. He has a unique fatherhood experience. Take notes.
The Couples Counsel Podcast is designed to help couples get unstuck and moving towards a happier and healthier relationship. Dr. Jameson Mercier provides practical advice for everyday challenges in relationships. Episodes are released weekly on Wednesday mornings. For more information, visit www.mercierwellness.com. Past episodes can be heard at www.mercierwellness.com/listen.
For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast, email info@mercierwellness.com.
If you’d like to work us to address concerns in your relationship, click the following link to schedule a consultation. https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation
Lastly, we value your feedback. You can reach out to me on social media at @dr.jamesonmercier (Instagram) or @DrJamesonMercier (FaceBook).
Find us on social media:
#CouplesCounsel #MercierWellness

Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Relationship Renegade: The Father Effect
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
The Father Effect
The father relationship is one that society struggles to make sense of. We want fathers more present and engaged, but at the same time we don’t really trust them with their kids. What the F#@*K!
Relationship is a podcast designed to unapologetically confront the messed-up ideas we have about relationships. Dr. Jameson Mercier is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and specializes in Relationship Systems. For more information, visit www.mercierwellness.com. Past episodes can be heard at www.mercierwellness.com/listen.
Lastly, we value your feedback. You can reach out to me on social media at @dr.jamesonmercier (Instagram) or @DrJamesonMercier (FaceBook).

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Ackimo Charles: Dads Without Dads
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Fathers & Blended Families
During the month of June we'll be recognizing black fathers and the impact they have on their families and community. This episode features another buddy of mine and awesome father. He is an administrator and you might think that being a dad came natural to him. However, we all have our stories.
The Couples Counsel Podcast is designed to help couples get unstuck and moving towards a happier and healthier relationship. Dr. Jameson Mercier provides practical advice for everyday challenges in relationships. Episodes are released weekly on Wednesday mornings. For more information, visit www.mercierwellness.com. Past episodes can be heard at www.mercierwellness.com/listen.
For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast, email info@mercierwellness.com.
If you’d like to work us to address concerns in your relationship, click the following link to schedule a consultation. https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation
Lastly, we value your feedback. You can reach out to me on social media at @dr.jamesonmercier (Instagram) or @DrJamesonMercier (FaceBook).
Find us on social media:
#CouplesCounsel #MercierWellness

Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Perry Petitbeau: Fathers and Blended Families
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Fathers & Blended Families
During the month of June we'll be recognizing black fathers and the impact they have on their families. This episode features a dear friend of mind Mr. Perry Petitebeau. He is a professional barber and inventor. He was gracious enough to sit and talk to me about his experience in his blended family. You can find out more about him by visiting his website at www.waveglyder.com or connecting with him on his instagram page at @wave_glyder
The Couples Counsel Podcast is designed to help couples get unstuck and moving towards a happier and healthier relationship. Dr. Jameson Mercier provides practical advice for everyday challenges in relationships. Episodes are released weekly on Wednesday mornings. For more information, visit www.mercierwellness.com. Past episodes can be heard at www.mercierwellness.com/listen.
For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast, email info@mercierwellness.com.
If you’d like to work us to address concerns in your relationship, click the following link to schedule a consultation. https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation
Lastly, we value your feedback. You can reach out to me on social media at @dr.jamesonmercier (Instagram) or @DrJamesonMercier (FaceBook).
Find us on social media:
#CouplesCounsel #MercierWellness

Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Relationship Renegade: Change is Coming
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Relationship Renegade
After two years of The Couples Counsel Podcast, we are making some changes. In this brief episode I explain to you what you can expect as a listener of this podcast. Thank you for your support and I hope you will continue to hang with me as we work to provide you even more value.
In this episode you fill find answers to these four key questions:
- Why the change?
- Does it serve my audience?
- How will listeners benefit?
- When will it happen?
The Couples Counsel Podcast is designed to help couples get unstuck and moving towards a happier and healthier relationship. Dr. Jameson Mercier provides practical advice for everyday challenges in relationships. Episodes are released weekly on Wednesday mornings. For more information, visit www.mercierwellness.com. Past episodes can be heard at www.mercierwellness.com/listen.
For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast, email info@mercierwellness.com.
If you’d like to work us to address concerns in your relationship, click the following link to schedule a consultation. https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation
Lastly, we value your feedback. You can reach out to me on social media at @dr.jamesonmercier (Instagram) or @DrJamesonMercier (FaceBook). You can also leave us a voicemail at 954-282-1093. I listen to all the feedback and voicemails and might include yours on an upcoming episode.
Find us on social media:
#CouplesCounsel #MercierWellness

Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Michael and Vivianne Jenkins: Waiting on God
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Waiting on God
After a series of failed relationships, you often people hear people talk about waiting on God to send them a life partner. While you may be asking God to send you are a partner, will you be ready to receive who he sends your way? In this episode we are talking to Michael and Vivianne Jenkins about what happened to them when they decided to wait on God.
Michael and Vivianne Jenkins also known as “Jenkins Fresh” has been married for 7 years. They have three beautiful children and reside in South Florida. Their goal is to build a united family and eliminate dysfunctional barriers. You can find them on Instagram @JenkinsFresh.
The Couples Counsel Podcast is designed to help couples get unstuck and moving towards a happier and healthier relationship. Dr. Jameson Mercier provides practical advice for everyday challenges in relationships. Episodes are released weekly on Wednesday mornings. For more information, visit www.mercierwellness.com. Past episodes can be heard at www.mercierwellness.com/listen.
For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast, email info@mercierwellness.com.
If you’d like to work us to address concerns in your relationship, click the following link to schedule a consultation. https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation
Lastly, we value your feedback. You can reach out to me on social media at @dr.jamesonmercier (Instagram) or @DrJamesonMercier (FaceBook). You can also leave us a voicemail at 954-282-1093. I listen to all the feedback and voicemails and might include yours on an upcoming episode.
Find us on social media:
#CouplesCounsel #MercierWellness

Wednesday May 27, 2020
Sean & Trina Rodgers: Married, but not Together Part 2
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Married but Not Together
Not every married couple is united as one. On today’s episode we are reminded of what happens when couples fail to be united. We are also reminded of the beautiful transformation that’s possible when two people decide to commit to each other.
Exemplifying the spirit of southern hospitality, Sean and Trina Rodgers, are inspirational marriage coaches and to the surprise of many, California natives.
The Rodgers were candidates for the popular show Black Love on the Oprah Winfrey Network, and have been featured in My Story, an online magazine publication.
Their marriage was birthed through ministry and with a blended family of three adult children, the Rodgers are adamant that their marriage serves a purpose much bigger than them. Sean is jovial and filled with a do what it takes attitude. He embraces his calling to minister to men about manhood and the destruction that pride can cause in marriage. Trina, on the other hand, has a much more reserved disposition and is strategic in nature. She ministers to woman about the power of prayer and the danger of unfair expectations.
Together, the Rodgers, are a powerful force to be reckoned with and they have been mentoring pre-marital and newlywed couples for over half a decade. They are passionate about marriage and believe in telling couples the unfiltered truth about what it will take to endure the ups and downs. They know all to well that the vows, better and worse, do come. Sean and Trina want to ensure that couples focus on building the foundation of their marriage. They are in the process of launching Steadfast Love with the Rodgers, a semi-annual retreat for couples married less than five years.
IG: r.steadfastlove
The Couples Counsel Podcast is designed to help couples get unstuck and moving towards a happier and healthier relationship. Dr. Jameson Mercier provides practical advice for everyday challenges in relationships. Episodes are released weekly on Wednesday mornings. For more information, visit www.mercierwellness.com. Past episodes can be heard at www.mercierwellness.com/listen.
For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast, email info@mercierwellness.com.
If you’d like to work us to address concerns in your relationship, click the following link to schedule a consultation. https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation
Lastly, we value your feedback. You can reach out to me on social media at @dr.jamesonmercier (Instagram) or @DrJamesonMercier (FaceBook). You can also leave us a voicemail at 954-282-1093. I listen to all the feedback and voicemails and might include yours on an upcoming episode.
Find us on social media:
#CouplesCounsel #MercierWellness

Wednesday May 20, 2020
Sean & Trina Rodgers: Married, but not Together Part 1
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Married but Not Together
Not every married couple is united as one. On today’s episode we are reminded of what happens when couples fail to be united. We are also reminded of the beautiful transformation that’s possible when two people decide to commit to each other
The Couples Counsel Podcast is designed to help couples get unstuck and moving towards a happier and healthier relationship. Dr. Jameson Mercier provides practical advice for everyday challenges in relationships. Episodes are released weekly on Wednesday mornings. For more information, visit www.mercierwellness.com. Past episodes can be heard at www.mercierwellness.com/listen.
For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast, email info@mercierwellness.com.
If you’d like to work us to address concerns in your relationship, click the following link to schedule a consultation. https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation
Lastly, we value your feedback. You can reach out to me on social media at @dr.jamesonmercier (Instagram) or @DrJamesonMercier (FaceBook). You can also leave us a voicemail at 954-282-1093. I listen to all the feedback and voicemails and might include yours on an upcoming episode.
Find us on social media:
#CouplesCounsel #MercierWellness

Wednesday May 13, 2020
Traci Ruble, LMFT: When Couples Seek Therapy
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
My guest on this episode is someone I've been secretly following for years. You can imagine my excitement being able to sit with her and have a candid conversation about the work we do.
Traci Ruble is a relationship expert. She has been working with individuals and couples for over sixteen years in California and has been featured in Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, ABC, CBS, and NPR. She is currently working on her first book on intimacy at home and at work. Traci also founded and leads a global human connection project called Sidewalk Talk where over 7000 listeners sit on sidewalks in over 92 locations across 15 countries offering to listen about anything and heal our lonely and divided world. Sidewalk Talk was recently featured in Oprah Magazine. Check her out at www.traciruble.com and www.sidewalk-talk.org
The Couples Counsel Podcast is designed to help couples get unstuck and moving towards a happier and healthier relationship. Dr. Jameson Mercier provides practical advice for everyday challenges in relationships. Episodes are released weekly on Wednesday mornings. For more information, visit www.mercierwellness.com. Past episodes can be heard at www.mercierwellness.com/listen.
For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast, email info@mercierwellness.com.
If you’d like to work us to address concerns in your relationship, click the following link to schedule a consultation. https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation
Lastly, we value your feedback. You can reach out to me on social media at @dr.jamesonmercier (Instagram) or @DrJamesonMercier (FaceBook). You can also leave us a voicemail at 954-282-1093. I listen to all the feedback and voicemails and might include yours on an upcoming episode.
Find us on social media:
#CouplesCounsel #MercierWellness