
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
Unsolicited Advice: Singles Part 2
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
Unsolicited Advice: Singles Part 2
It seems that everyone has a ton of advice for single people…and apparently most of it sucks.
Relationship Renegade is a podcast designed to bring you hard truths and realities about relationships. This show is unapologetically raw and not for everyone. Listen at your own risk.
- Past episodes heard at mercierwellness.com/listen.
- Guest on the show: booking@mercierwellness.com
- Sponsorship and advertising: info@mercierwellness.com
- For more information and to schedule your consultation visit mercierwellness.com
- Visit our online store: etsy.com/shop/mercierwellness
Social Media
- Hashtags: #MercierWellness #RelationshipRenegade
- Instagram: @relationshiprenegadepodcast
- Facebook: @DrJamesonMercier
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesonMercier
- YouTube: https://bit.ly/3g5G5uZ
- LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2YDd6bU

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Unsolicited Advice: Divorced
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Unsolicited Advice: Divorce
For many people divorce is a fact of life. It’s a reality that not all marriages will last forever. However, let's not make a bad situation worse with crappy advice.
Relationship Renegade is a podcast designed to bring you hard truths and realities about relationships. This show is unapologetically raw and not for everyone. Listen at your own risk.
- Past episodes heard at mercierwellness.com/listen.
- Guest on the show: booking@mercierwellness.com
- Sponsorship and advertising: info@mercierwellness.com
- For more information and to schedule your consultation visit mercierwellness.com
- Visit our online store: etsy.com/shop/mercierwellness
Social Media
- Hashtags: #MercierWellness #RelationshipRenegade
- Instagram: @relationshiprenegadepodcast
- Facebook: @DrJamesonMercier
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesonMercier
- YouTube: https://bit.ly/3g5G5uZ
- LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2YDd6bU

Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Unsolicited Advice: Singles Part 1
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Unsolicited Advice: Singles Part 1
It seems that everyone has a ton of advice for single people…and apparently most of it sucks.
Relationship Renegade is a podcast designed to bring you hard truths and realities about relationships. This show is unapologetically raw and not for everyone. Listen at your own risk.
- Past episodes heard at mercierwellness.com/listen.
- Guest on the show: booking@mercierwellness.com
- Sponsorship and advertising: info@mercierwellness.com
- For more information and to schedule your consultation visit mercierwellness.com
- Visit our online store: etsy.com/shop/mercierwellness
Social Media
- Hashtags: #MercierWellness #RelationshipRenegade
- Instagram: @relationshiprenegadepodcast
- Facebook: @DrJamesonMercier
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesonMercier
- YouTube: https://bit.ly/3g5G5uZ
- LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2YDd6bU

Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Unsolicited Advice: Newlyweds
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Unsolicited Advice: Newlyweds
When you’re about to get married, everyone has some advice for you. Ever sat down sift through the advice? Join us as we do just that.
Relationship Renegade is a podcast designed to bring you hard truths and realities about relationships. This show is unapologetically raw and not for everyone. Listen at your own risk.
- Past episodes heard at mercierwellness.com/listen.
- Guest on the show: booking@mercierwellness.com
- Sponsorship and advertising: info@mercierwellness.com
- For more information and to schedule your consultation visit mercierwellness.com
- Visit our online store: etsy.com/shop/mercierwellness
Social Media
- Hashtags: #MercierWellness #RelationshipRenegade
- Instagram: @relationshiprenegadepodcast
- Facebook: @DrJamesonMercier
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesonMercier
- YouTube: https://bit.ly/3g5G5uZ
- LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2YDd6bU

Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Episode Recap: Mia Terrazas, MSW: After the Love is Gone
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
After the Love is Gone
For some relationships, happily ever after is just not in the cards. The fact is some relationships will end. The question is how do you move on after the love is gone? What is like to find yourself single after being with someone for 5 or 10 years? On today’s episode I tackle these questions and more with my friend and colleague Mia Terrazas. She says, “What you’re not changing, you’re choosing.” Listen and hear what else she has to say.
The Couples Counsel Podcast is designed to help couples get unstuck and moving towards a happier and healthier relationship. Dr. Jameson Mercier provides practical advice for everyday challenges in relationships. Episodes are released weekly on Wednesday mornings. For more information, visit www.mercierwellness.com. Past episodes can be heard at www.mercierwellness.com/listen.
For questions about booking or sponsoring the podcast, email info@mercierwellness.com.
If you’d like to work us to address concerns in your relationship, click the following link to schedule a consultation. https://calendly.com/mercier-wellness/consultation
Lastly, we value your feedback. You can reach out to me on social media at @dr.jamesonmercier (Instagram) or @DrJamesonMercier (FaceBook). You can also leave us a voicemail at 954-282-1093. I listen to all the feedback and voicemails and might include yours on an upcoming episode.
Find us on social media:
#CouplesCounsel #MercierWellness

Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Don't Waste the Crisis
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Don’t Waste the Crisis
We don’t always ask for it, but times of crisis are an opportunity for massive change…if we don’t waste it.
Relationship Renegade is a podcast designed to bring you hard truths and reality about relationships. This show is unapologetically raw. Dr. Jameson Mercier is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and specializing in Relationship Systems.
- Past episodes can be heard at mercierwellness.com/listen.
- Want to be a guest on the podcast? Email booking@mercierwellness.com
- For questions about sponsorship or advertising, email info@mercierwellness.com
- For more information and to schedule your consultation visit mercierwellness.com
- Visit our online store: etsy.com/shop/mercierwellness
Social Media
- Hashtags: #MercierWellness #RelationshipRenegade
- Instagram: @jamesonmercier
- Facebook: @DrJamesonMercier
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesonMercier
- YouTube: https://bit.ly/3g5G5uZ
- LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2YDd6bU

Saturday Feb 27, 2021
You're a People Pleaser.
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
You’re a People Pleaser
There are many reasons that we seek the please those around us. It may due to a lack of confidence, fear or rejection, or basic survival. In this episode we don’t judge, but try to understand it and the effect it has on our relationships. People pleasers unite!
Relationship Renegade is a podcast designed to bring you hard truths and realities about relationships. This show is unapologetically raw and not for everyone. Listen at your own risk.
- Past episodes heard at mercierwellness.com/listen.
- Guest on the show: booking@mercierwellness.com
- Sponsorship and advertising: info@mercierwellness.com
- For more information and to schedule your consultation visit mercierwellness.com
- Visit our online store: etsy.com/shop/mercierwellness
Social Media
- Hashtags: #MercierWellness #RelationshipRenegade
- Instagram: @relationshiprenegadepodcast
- Facebook: @DrJamesonMercier
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesonMercier
- YouTube: https://bit.ly/3g5G5uZ
- LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2YDd6bU

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Your Happiness is Not My Job
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Your Happiness is Not My Job
Are you killing yourself trying to make someone happy? Are you someone who expects others to make you happy? These two types of people often feel they are perfect for each other. However, unless they change, they are barreling towards a disaster. Listen and learn how to change course.
Relationship Renegade is a podcast designed to bring you hard truths and realities about relationships. This show is unapologetically raw and not for everyone. Listen at your own risk.
- Past episodes heard at mercierwellness.com/listen.
- Guest on the show: booking@mercierwellness.com
- Sponsorship and advertising: info@mercierwellness.com
- For more information and to schedule your consultation visit mercierwellness.com
- Visit our online store: etsy.com/shop/mercierwellness
Social Media
- Hashtags: #MercierWellness #RelationshipRenegade
- Instagram: @relationshiprenegadepodcast
- Facebook: @DrJamesonMercier
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesonMercier
- YouTube: https://bit.ly/3g5G5uZ
- LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2YDd6bU

Saturday Feb 20, 2021
Toxic Positivity
Saturday Feb 20, 2021
Saturday Feb 20, 2021
Toxic Positivity
Positive vibes only right. I’m all for it, but there’s a point where all this positivity turns to denial…and you may have crossed the line.
Relationship Renegade is a podcast designed to bring you hard truths and realities about relationships. This show is unapologetically raw and not for everyone. Listen at your own risk.
- Past episodes heard at mercierwellness.com/listen.
- Guest on the show: booking@mercierwellness.com
- Sponsorship and advertising: info@mercierwellness.com
- For more information and to schedule your consultation visit mercierwellness.com
- Visit our online store: etsy.com/shop/mercierwellness
Social Media
- Hashtags: #MercierWellness #RelationshipRenegade
- Instagram: @relationshiprenegadepodcast
- Facebook: @DrJamesonMercier
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesonMercier
- YouTube: https://bit.ly/3g5G5uZ
- LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2YDd6bU

Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Do you feel like everything is moving too fast and wish you could slow things down? I know the feeling. Let’s talk about it.
Relationship Renegade is a podcast designed to bring you hard truths and realities about relationships. This show is unapologetically raw and not for everyone. Listen at your own risk.
- Past episodes heard at mercierwellness.com/listen.
- Guest on the show: booking@mercierwellness.com
- Sponsorship and advertising: info@mercierwellness.com
- For more information and to schedule your consultation visit mercierwellness.com
- Visit our online store: etsy.com/shop/mercierwellness
Social Media
- Hashtags: #MercierWellness #RelationshipRenegade
- Instagram: @relationshiprenegadepodcast
- Facebook: @DrJamesonMercier
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesonMercier
- YouTube: https://bit.ly/3g5G5uZ
- LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2YDd6bU